Thursday, September 16, 2010

In Pictures: Valley Forge

I don't consider myself to be a history buff in any sense of the word, but honestly, when history and nature combine I kind of freak out (in a good way).  My recent trip to Valley Forge was completely amazing, there were deer literally everywhere.  On top of being surrounded by all this gorgeous landscape they've both preserved and recreated elements from our nations history, including historical houses and soldiers huts.  It really is a blast and I highly recommend this free experience to anyone in the Philadelphia area.
You can see even more photos over at my flickr stream

1 comment:

  1. I am a history buff too. I think it all started when I was nine and my cousins took me to a battle recreation in Lexington MA. My brother and I got under a cannon and almost died when they moved it. They gave us ice cream after so that was okay. History = free ice cream.

    A from A + B in the Sea
