Monday, September 13, 2010

Hunter Boots

I'm finally ready to invest in a pair of Hunter boots, I was trying to think of what I really need for fall (as opposed to want), and a sturdy boot to get me through rain, wet leaves and slush is on the top of the list.  As fun as the bright yellow pair are, I think I might opt for the more classic and versatile black which would look perfect with my trench coat.


  1. Nobody wears boots in the Philippines where I live. I hate the status quo because (a) I love boots (b) I hate not having the guts to wear a pair out (c) I can never find a decent pair because of supply and demand considerations (d) it's rainy season right now. So sad.

    But your choice looks fantastic! I'd go for red if I had money and a place to buy Hunters. :P Looking forward to more of your own photographs!

    A from A + B in the Sea

  2. hunter boots are so lovely! i have wanted them forever, but sadly, it never rains where i live!
